My local area in Norfolk is home to roe deer, muntjac and the occasional chinese water deer. We don’t have fallow or red deer although they are in the county. However I have been able to spend a great deal of time getting to know the local roe deer, especially their behaviour and habits - enabling me to witness wonderful, often unseen moments and capture some great images.

Male Muntjac deer

Roe deer fawn silhouette

Squinty-eyed roe deer buck,

Roe deer doe in early morning light

Roe deer fawn about 3 months old

Roe buck in thick fog on a cool spring morning

Roe deer fawn at 3 months old

Roe deer doe portrait

Roe buck in late January on a cold beautiful day

Male muntjac deer in gorgeous spring morning light

Muntjac in heavily frosted oilseed rape at the start of flowering

Sunset Roe: Roe deer doe in the glow of the setting sun in June

Roe buck looking for females in the rut. Keillmore Argyll and Bute

Young roe buck on farm track in April

Master roe buck bellowing during the rut in July