The European Brown Hare has to be one my favourite animals to photograph. They are highly characterful, intelligent, social animals that are a joy to observe.
Brown Hare in a weed laden wheat field captured in September. The daisy-like flowers are Chamomile.
Iced Hare captured in the heavy frost during March 2023
Covered Hare; captured in a dead game cover crop in early spring 2023
Brown Hare running along a field margin where it had been eating southistle plants seen on the left of the image
Adult brown hare in barley stubble just after sunset. This image won the BBC Wildlife Magazine competition for January 2023
Adult hare in Oilseed Rape stubble
Male hare chasing a female across heavily frosted wheat crop as the sun broke through freezing fog in February 2023
A young not fully adult hare in winter barley stubble in August
Hare on farm track in summer golden hour
Hare on an early summer morning